Motor Car Valuation & Mechanical Inspection

Request a quote from our team and get your inspection and valuation completed on time.

About Us

What Caledonia Loss Adjusters has to offer?

Caledonia Loss Adjusters Limited commenced operation in March 2021 with a commitment to offering quality service and professionalism. We are a customer-centric company catering to individuals and corporate companies with large industrial fleets. We pride ourselves on providing quality service which is why we have a strong reputation among insurance companies.

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Caledonia Loss Adjusters

Our Services

What Service We Offer

Check out the services we offer below or call to get more information.

Informs you of the overall condition of the vehicle as well as the current Market Value for the purpose of sale, insurance, loan acquisition or asset value. The vehicle will be test-driven for proper evaluation, however, if the vehicle is not functioning, it will be valued ‘As-Is’ and this will be reflected in your report.

Heavy Duty Equipment Valuation

Informs you of the overall condition of the vehicle as well as the current Market Value for the purpose of sale, insurance, loan acquisition or asset value. The vehicle will be test-driven for proper evaluation, however, if the vehicle is not functioning, it will be valued ‘As-Is’ and this will be reflected in your report.

Mechanical Report

Mechanical Inspections inform vehicle owners of the vehicle’s mechanical condition by reporting on any mechanical defects, or repairs that need to be undertaken for a vehicle to be deemed “Roadworthy” and determine its insurability.

Motor Vehicle Damage Assessment

Our damage assessment helps to quantify damage to a vehicle involved in an accident. Our report gives information on the pre-accident value, sources and estimates for repair including parts and labour. We make a recommendation on the salvage value stats.

Watercraft Valuation

We provide the current market price of your watercraft as well as a report on its overall condition to help you with your sale, insurance coverage or determine your net worth.


What Clients Say About Us

Check out some reviews from our happy clients…

If you want good customer service and fast service, I recommend Calendonia Loss Adjusters.

Kevin Rowe

Happy Customer

Caledonia Loss Adjusters walk me through what I will need and what they offer. I did not have to worry about anything. They were so helpful with my vehicle damage assessment.

Jennifer Smith

Happy Customer

Great service and fast service. I highly recommend them.

Claudia Brown

Happy Customer

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  • Why Loss Adjusters

    In a rapidly changing world, there are no longer fixed roles in claims, underwriting or distribution. Gone are the days when adjusting firms were populated with ‘generalists’ who each undertook a wide variety of personal and commercial lines property claim assignments. Today’s insurance market requires expertise that maps to the risk, the strategic demands of clients and the varying dynamics of individual claim instructions. This is increasingly important given the emergence of new insurable risks, from evolving cyber risks to pandemics, contingent business interruption and the role of climate change. Crawford saw the need for more complex skillsets to meet

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